Tonight, as I checked out the kids before I went to my room to watch tv, I noticed a fuzzy little nose peeking out from the boys’ room. I quickly deduced that Alex took Maisey to his room, probably with hopes she would snuggle up in his bed.
Tonight, as I checked out the kids before I went to my room to watch tv, I noticed a fuzzy little nose peeking out from the boys’ room. I quickly deduced that Alex took Maisey to his room, probably with hopes she would snuggle up in his bed.
Saturday was a really busy day. I kind of fell over into bed and that was the end of it. I did realize, just before drifting off to sleep, that I didn’t blog…and sleep won over getting out of bed to come down to my desk and write. It happens.
Missing four out of 284 still isn’t terrible. There are 80 days left this year. That’s plenty more blogs to write.
Friday night, 9:42pm.
I blogged over here today, with a little help from a special guest. 😉 Check it out!
With October being Down Syndrome Awareness Month, I’ve been reading a lot of great articles and blog posts. Last week, when I saw a Facebook post from The Mighty asking if anyone would answer a few questions for an upcoming post, I jumped on it.
I was excited to see some of my input worked into this piece on The Mighty’s site. There are some great quotes here, and hopefully they will be of assistance to those just learning of a Down syndrome diagnosis for their baby.
A busy weekend plus a case of pre-Mondat blahs makes for an exhausting Sunday night. You know what helps? Bravo tv.
“Hey, when you’re out, pick up a new board game that we can all play later!”
These were the words from my husband this afternoon, and I agreed; it sounded like fun. Before my daughter and I left Target today, we stopped by the toy department and selected The Game of Life. My sister and I used to play this all the time when we were kids. We loved it! I was excited to share the game with my kids.
As with most things, we should have waited a bit longer before trying this.
Nobody could keep track of their paydays, there were cards scattered everywhere, everyone was talking over everyone else. Ugh. Not fun at all.
There were a couple of funny parts, but the game became exhausting and grew old. Appropriate, I suppose: life is tiring, stressful, and if you’re lucky, kind of funny sometimes.
After the kids cleaned up the game, I slyly slid it under a cabinet with my foot. I hope they forget we own it, at least for a few days. I need time to recover.
Ugh. TGIF. That’s really all I have to say (fine, write) for now.