So, this happened today:
Seriously, school hasn’t even been out a full week yet, and I’m already dealing with this crap.
Transitions are just the worst. Any parent of a child with special needs will wholeheartedly agree with that, and I suspect that a lot of other parents would concur. A change in the schedule brings about an array of difficult behaviors. It just takes one of the kids to start a chain reaction; when one acts out, they all jump on the Let’s-Make-Mom’s-Head-Explode bandwagon. By the time that we get used to summer, and these behaviors level out, it will be August and time to go back to school. And that will bring another transition. Fun!
After today, I hope the time quickly passes.
Don’t be a hater. Don’t remind me of how many wonderful memories can be made over a summer break. I get that; not every moment of our break will be like today. I’ll enjoy those precious moments just as any other mom would, but until you spend a day with my monkeys (when they behave as they do for me, not as they do for everyone else!), keep your fluffy, sparkly, rainbow-laced comments to yourself.
There may be a ban on bubbles around here for awhile, but I’m certain they’ll find some other mischief before the summer ends.