Torture – Otherwise Known as Homework
Here we are, trying to get through another night of homework.
Here we are, trying to get through another night of homework.
The big day finally arrived, and Team Alex celebrated our 11th Columbus Buddy Walk with beautiful weather, great food, and tons of fantastic supporters.
We ended up with over 100 people registered for our team, and raised more than $10,400! Amazing. If you walked with Team Alex, or another team, thank you. If you donated money, thank you. If you donated your time, thank you. If you sent positive thoughts and prayers (especially about today’s forecast!), thank you. I know I can say that the entire DSACO community is grateful for your support.
I’ll have more to say about the Buddy Walk later this week. Right now, I’m in “recovery mode”, and planning to enjoy the “time off” between the Buddy Walk and Girl Scout Cookie time. 😉
Have a great week!
‘Twas the night before the Columbus Buddy Walk,
And all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring,
Except for the mama/team captain who is too busy worrying about packing up the car, remembering every last little detail for the tailgate, and hoping that it won’t rain in the morning…
Yep. Time for bed. Tomorrow is Buddy Walk day!!
In less than 48 hours, the Buddy Walk will have come and gone. Team Alex officially broke the $10,000 mark today, and I couldn’t be happier. Or more tired. 😉
There is still a lot to do to prepare for the walk, and we are very excited to see everyone on Sunday morning.
With an early morning tomorrow (and inevitably, a late night!), I’m off to bed. Happy weekend!
If you’re a regular follower of this blog, you’ve read about our #InclusionMatters campaign, which included two rounds of fabulous t-shirts from I Heart Garments. Our shirts started arriving this week, and I am completely in love with my hoody. Seriously, I may never take it off.
I will proudly wear this hoody (and the t-shirt, because I couldn’t resist and needed to have both!) because of the beautiful message it promotes. #InclusionMatters. Everywhere, for everyone.
I will also continue to watch for upcoming campaigns from I Heart Garments. When you can score comfortable shirts that support important causes, it is most definitely a win win.
Check out their site. Think about how #InclusionMatters to you.
I now have even greater respect for the families in which one (or both!) parents frequently travel for work. I’ve always admired these brave partners for taking on single parenting duties while the other is away, but wow, I have a whole new outlook on it.
It sucks.
Fortunately, Mark rarely travels. Thank goodness. He was only gone for the last three days and the house is completely blown up, the kids are way out of whack, and I am even more ragged than usual.
But, he was sweet enough to bring back a cool coffee mug for me…which didn’t fare the trip very well.
Whoa…I’m almost 3/4 of the way through my “blog every day” resolution for 2014. I’ve written 259 posts (or at least posted once per every day of the year; some “posts” can’t really be considered full entries because, well, it’s difficult to write every day!). My blog has now had over 15,000 page views. Crazy.
Hopefully, I’ll have enough steam to finish out the year! Wish me luck!!
As I have a monster headache and am so far over this day I.Can’t.Even, I decided to share some information I sent out to Team Alex, many hours ago when I was in a happier mood. 😉
Here are some fun stats about our team this year:
Seven more days!
I’ve been fundraising since 3/21. I’m tired…but probably not nearly as tired as those who have listened to/read my pleas for donations for the last (almost) six months.
A week from right now, I will be relaxing, much like I imagine Santa Claus relaxes on 12/26.
I have a lot of work to do to prep for the Team Alex Tailgate, but that’s the fun part. Let’s just hope this cold I feel coming on takes a hike, because I don’t have time to slow down!
Should you feel inspired to donate, and help us reach $10,000 by Friday, 9/19, please visit our team page here.
Seeing as it’s a Game Day, I thought I would remind everyone about the friendly #AlexVsNick2014 challenge that is going on now. Check out this blog post to learn more!
After you read it, head over to the Team Alex fundraising page to show your support!