Ugh. I just deleted texts from my phone that were over two years old, then I went through one of my email accounts (yes, I have more than one) and deleted over 1100 messages. I may have a problem with hanging on to things.
I will be the first to admit that I am a packrat; I have tons of drawings from the kids, silly little mementos (think movie/show tickets), clothes that I might decide fit better in a couple of months. It’s crazy out of control, and I’ve hit the wall.
So, I’ve started cleaning things out. The texts, the emails, my bedroom, the kids’ closets; if they haven’t been cleaned out yet, I’m hoping to get to it soon.
I already feel lighter after cleaning out just the digital clutter, so I can’t wait to see how it feels once the house is cleaned out! Wish me luck; packrats have a terrible time parting with things. 😉