Today is a big day for Facebook. Ten years old! Double digits. That’s quite an accomplishment.
I enjoy Facebook. I love being able to connect with friends all around the world. It’s so fun to see their pictures, hear their adventures, and share in their joys. As a tool to keep people connected, Facebook does a fantastic job. If you can concentrate on keeping your newsfeed positive, and not fall into the gloom that seems to wait at every turn, then it can be an enjoyable experience.
But, as we well know, negativity can ruin a good thing. I’ve had to train myself to not read user comments on posts from news outlets or public figures; the ignorant, rude comments stick with me and I find it difficult to shake the negative vibes. I think there is enough drama and negativity in every day life, and I just don’t have a use for it when I take the time to scroll through my newsfeed.
Debates are another trouble spot on Facebook. I’m all for intelligent debate, but wow, have I seen some doozies. I’ve seen other users post that they need “Facebook breaks”, and then sign off for a period of time, especially during election years. The negativity drives them away from something that is meant (in my opinion, anyway) to provide entertainment. It’s a shame that as adults, we can’t engage each other and challenge our differences of opinion without becoming belligerent.
That will continue, I’m certain, for as long as diversity is considered an evil instead of an asset. We’ll still see rude, bullying posts from those who maybe can’t logically defend their stance on whatever topic is controversial on any given day. It’s easier to sit behind a computer/tablet/mobile device screen and be angry than it is to participate in a cordial discussion. I don’t think that will change any time soon, but I’m hopeful that it might.
And until then, I’ll still take joy from seeing family and friends’ photos, read their cheery updates, and pray or send positive thoughts when someone asks for that support. That’s is what I most appreciate about Facebook, so that is what I need to keep in mind when I see the negativity start to creep back into my newsfeed.
Happy birthday, Facebook. I’m going to hop back over to my page to watch all the wonderful movies that have been created today.