Here we go, again.
After about a month “off”, it’s time to get back in the gym routine, and well past time to stop shoving mass quantities of food down my throat.
I’ll admit it: I’m a stress eater. I try to solve my problems with junk food. Kids not listening? Hostess cupcakes. Another issue at school? Peanut M&Ms. Long morning with an even longer afternoon and evening ahead? Starbucks. I soothe my worries and anxieties with poor food choices, and now my pants don’t fit.
Enough is enough. Time to be a grown up. As I said earlier today, I need to stop eating like I’m an unsupervised 12 year old boy. I need to get into the gym on a more regular schedule. No more excuses.
Not only do my pants not fit, but I realize that I’m putting myself into all kind of health dangers by not taking care of myself now. More importantly, I’m setting a terrible example for my kids. So, for three reasons (looking/feeling better, health, setting a better example), I’m embarking on this journey.
Yes, I’ve declared these intentions (many times) before now. Yes, I’ve fallen off the wagon. I’m sure I’ll struggle along the way this time, too. But, I need to remind myself that some things are ok in moderation, and I can’t get discouraged and just quit the first time a bad day sends me tearing into some full-fat dinner deliciousness.
I decided a while ago to ditch the D Word (“diet”), so I will refer to this as my Wellness Plan. Go to the gym, don’t eat as much. Pretty simple, I think. I don’t want to use the word “diet”, because I heard a couple years ago that girls can develop eating disorders as early as four years old. With a daughter (and sons!) watching, I don’t want to lead them to believe that you have to diet to be happy with yourself, or to please other people. I do, however, want them to make better choices and be healthy.
So, here I go, again. Wish me luck. It’s going to be fun.