Snow. Again. Old news.
The difference today is that we didn’t have to go anywhere. That is rare for us; we tend to be on-the-go most days. But not today! Mark and I cleaned and organized around the house, the kids have played together and ventured outside a couple of times, and I (finally!) finished the book I’ve been reading for much too long (it was a great read; it just took me forever to get through it). Mark did decide to run out to Lowe’s (maybe he plans to work on some projects around the house, yay!) and the grocery, to gather the items he needs to make a dish for our dinner company tomorrow night. Now he is picking up dinner so we can stuff ourselves while we watch the Blue Jackets go for their ninth win in a row (hockey is so much more fun to watch now that Andrew is interested in it!).
I think it’s funny that I consider this a “lazy day”, just because we didn’t leave the house (well, most of us didn’t). I wasn’t idle for the majority of the day; with three young kids in the house, that just doesn’t happen. But I guess since I’m so used to the “go, go, go!” lifestyle, not leaving the house has become a luxury, and makes me feel like I’m not accomplishing much.
Truth be told, I probably didn’t accomplish as much as I could have. I did finish unearthing the surface of the kitchen table; it has still been acting as a catch-all, even though I moved most things to my desk a few weeks ago. That was more of a chore than I anticipated, but I’m glad that it’s finished. I also cleaned out a small set of drawers; that project resulted in a huge bag for the recycling bin. Wow, was there a lot of paper stuffed in those drawers. It always makes me wonder why I decided to save those things; my guess is that I just didn’t have the time or patience to deal it so I mindlessly shoved them in the drawers. At any rate, it’s nice to have that task completed too.
I will be content to continue debating with myself over how productive I actually was today…as soon as I’m done enjoying my take out and hockey game. Happy Saturday to all!